I’m a new seller using Helium 10, and I need some help with email templates and automation. I sell one clothing product with four color variations on Amazon (US, Canada, and UK).
Here’s where I’m stuck:
When setting up email templates under "Preview with," I can only select one variation.
- Do I need to create separate email templates for each variation, or is there a way to include all variations in one template?
For "Refund Orders" Email Automation, I can assign a template, but for "Request a Review," it doesn’t seem to ask for one.
- If I create four different templates for each variation to request reviews, will one "Request a Review" automation cover all variations, or do I need separate automations for each one?
I’d appreciate any guidance you can provide!
i would not do it per variation id do it for all your products or put all the asins in that variation in the flow, and id only do request a review template, and not the custom email template. Just one automation for that would be needed, no need for separate ones. Add all the child asins to the filter.